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What is Storona?

JavaScript backend applications tend to rely on a framework or meta-framework to handle routing and architecture. But for specific use cases in which a full framework is not necessary, developers usually have to build their own routing system from scratch or using a full-fledged wrapper. This is usually a time-consuming process that can be avoided.

For this reason, Storona was created. It is designed to be easy to use and easy to understand, with a minimal learning curve.

Here's a quick example of how to use Storona:

const express = require("express");
const { createRouter } = require("storona");

const app = express();

createRouter(app, {
  directory: "src/routes",
  // Set to true to use the package version. 1.0.0 -> /v1
  prefix: "/v1/api",
  quiet: false,

app.listen(3000, async () => {"API running on port 3000");
const fastify = require("fastify");
const { createRouter } = require("storona");

const app = fastify();

createRouter(app, {
  directory: "src/routes",
  // Set to true to use the package version. 1.0.0 -> /v1
  prefix: "/v1/api",
  quiet: false,

    port: 3000
  () => {"API running on port 3000");


└─ src
   ├─ routes
   │  ├─ directory
   │  │  ├─ [fruit].get.js   --> GET  /v1/api/directory/:fruit
   │  │  └─ index.put.mjs    --> PUT  /v1/api/directory
   │  ├─       --> POST /v1/api/apple
   │  └─ index.get.jsx       --> GET  /v1/api
   └─ index.js


Storona is designed to be simple and easy to use. It is neither a complete framework nor a package for certain framework. The goal is to unify simple architecture to something that everyone can understand and use.

The idea of route design was highly inspired by the Nitro framework that uses h3 under the hood. Storona on the other hand is compatible with the following frameworks: Express, Fastify.

For the simplicity reason Storona supports TypeScript and JSX out-of-the-box. The transpilation of routes is handled by tsup.


Use compilerOptions.jsx in your tsconfig.json to change the transpilation behavior of JSX/TSX.


Due to some characters being forbidden in Windows file names, Storona may not provide full set of features of the underlying framework's route registration.

To avoid this problem, you can override the route by using the route exported variable in the route file. To know more about this, see the Templates guide.

What's Next?

  • For a step-by-step guide on setting up Storona, check out the Quick Start guide.
  • To know more about how routing design works, see the Templates guide.
  • For more information on configuring router, see Reference section.

Released under the MIT License.